Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Air Purification

Part of living in great comfort is maintaining great indoor air quality throughout one’s home. It is simply not enough that you are able to heat and cool your home successfully. Of course, there are a lot of different ways in which your indoor air quality may suffer, and a lot of different reasons as to why those situations may develop. Because of this, it is important that you work with an indoor air quality specialist in order to determine how best to resolve any issues with your indoor air quality. One effective means by which to do so is the use of an electronic air purifier in Fort Collins, COTo learn more about these systems, or to schedule air purifier services, just call the pros here at Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning.

How Do Electronic Air Purifiers Work?

Unlike a traditional media air filter, which just allows air to pass through and captures pollutants therein as it does so, an electronic air purifier takes an active role in trapping pollutants. In systems such as electronic precipitators, air is pulled into an ionization chamber. Therein, the pollutants within that air are given a static charge. These pollutants may then be trapped on oppositely charged collector plates, or they may simply be released into the home, where they attach to surfaces and are simply cleaned up during routine cleaning. In either event, the pollutants are removed from circulation throughout the house.

Benefits of Using an Electronic Air Purifier

There are many instances in which media filters are enough to sufficiently boost indoor air quality. If you are trying to trap very small pollutants, though, or if you have very sensitive allergies, then an electronic air purifier may be necessary. Give us a call to discuss your options. With the right air purifier, you can boost the air quality throughout your home, in turn boosting your comfort and even the health of those within your living space.


While many homeowners may mistakenly believe that they need only concern themselves with temperature regulation in order to live comfortably, the fact of the matter is that the quality of the air in your living space is just as important to your comfort as the temperature of that air. It is for precisely this reason that you may want to consider the use of an air purifier in Loveland, CO. However, you are wise to remember that there are different types of air purifiers on the market today, and that you must be sure to use the right one for your needs. Call Fort Collins Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your air purifier services, and know for certain that you have the right equipment installed in your home.

Electronic Air Purifiers

For a number of homeowners, air filtration systems are more than sufficient for maintaining high indoor air quality. In certain situations, though, a mechanical air filter just won’t be able to get the job done. If you are struggling with a high concentration of airborne pollutants in your home, you may be better off using an electronic air purifier in addition to air filters. Such systems charge pollutants in the air within an ionization chamber. The pollutants are then collected on oppositely charged plates, which care simply removed for convenient cleaning. Some models allow pollutants to adhere to surfaces in the home, and they are just removed during routine cleaning.

UV Air Purifiers

Not all pollutants can be successfully removed from the air by air filters or electronic air purifiers. Biological pollutants, such as viruses, mold, and bacteria, for instance, are better off being destroyed. That is just what UV (ultraviolet) air purifiers do. Such systems, including UV germicidal lights, emit small, safe amounts of UV radiation. This is sufficient to destroy biological pollutants and to render them incapable of reproduction. Such systems do not remove dust, dander, and other pollutants from the air, though. That is why you may be best off in utilizing a combination of systems for a multi-faceted air purification regimen. Contact us for more details.


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